Expectations of a Racer
World Race Commitment
Pursuing the Kingdom of God through intimacy, community and mission.
By participating on the World Race, I acknowledge and take ownership to follow these expectations and the WR 101 guidelines. I understand that I will be held accountable to them by my leadership team:
Intimacy – to be transformed by the love of the Father and to know His voice
- Relationship with the Father and hearing His voice – (Hebrews 4:16, John 10:27) I am committed to humbly approach God, drawing near to Him as He draws near to me. I will press into hearing God’s voice.
- Faith grounded in Scripture – (2 Timothy 3:16-17) I am committed to dive into Scripture myself and through avenues like Bible Studies that will be provided for me, to learn and grow into deeper connection with God. I will have the posture of a student.
- Identity rooted in Christ – (Galatians 2:20) I am committed to becoming more like Jesus and choose to walk towards personal transformation in the places that I am not like Jesus already. I will run my race with a “yes” towards all that God has for me. I am ready to deal with my past and move forward. I want to walk into the fullness and fruitfulness God has for me.
- Kingdom Journey – (Matthew 4:18-22) I am willing to abandon areas that I have clung to in the past for comfort while allowing the Father to lead me through brokenness and into dependence on Him.
Community – to value and choose to be a part of the body by activating the gifts of the Holy Spirit within communitas
- Loving relationships – (John 13:35, Gal. 5:22-23) I am committed to loving my brothers and sisters by operating in the Fruits of the Spirit. I will form relationships that are emotionally safe and vulnerable. I will walk in forgiveness and reconciliation while believing the best in one another.
- Healthy Communication – (Ephesians 4:15,16) I am committed to encourage and challenge the people around me to look more like Jesus on a daily basis by both giving and receiving feedback. I will participate in team activities and will not isolate myself.
- Spiritual Gifts – (1 Cor. 12: 4-6) I am committed to activate my teammates and squadmates in the gifts they have been given, humbly celebrating the differences I see around me, while also stepping into the gifts that I have been given.
Mission – to take responsibility in partnership with King Jesus and His Church to reveal His Kingdom on earth
- Share the Gospel – (2 Cor. 5:20) I am committed to become an effective communicator of the gospel by spreading the kingdom of God through various ministry opportunities by sharing God’s story and my testimony.
- Make Disciples – (Matthew 28:18-20, 2 Timothy 2:2) I am committed to making disciples of all nations by living and loving like Jesus. This includes learning and understanding culture and sharing in a way that people are able to receive the good news of Jesus.
- Reveal the Kingdom – (Luke 4:18-20) I am committed to leverage every opportunity to point out the presence of God in the everyday experiences of His children within their country, culture and life. I will live my life on mission.
I agree to abide by these guidelines and the guideline set in the WR 101 document for the sake of experiencing intimacy, community, and mission on the World Race and understand that I will be held accountable to these expectations as long as I am a participant with Adventures in Missions.
*All Racers are expected to submit to each program’s 101 Policy and Rule Guidelines
We are a culture that:
- Extends grace, gives feedback, encourages and exhorts, and listens for God’s voice and responds in obedience.
World Race Leadership Structure:
- Seth Barnes, CEO and Founder
- Stephanie Jansen, World Race Program Manager
- Squad Mentors & Coaches
- Alumni Leaders
Communication Expectations:
- Appropriate Appeal Process: We want to make sure that you are heard and valued, therefore, we welcome your questions and feedback, but ask that you take the time to communicate with those closest to the situation before involving additional parties.
Race Structure:
- Team Changes – teams often change multiple times on the Race. This gives Racers the ability to serve with different people from the squad while giving new opportunities for growth and challenge.
- Role Changes – there are many opportunities to serve the squad by holding different roles, these roles are given to racers by the leadership team and usually change throughout the year
- Race Routes – changes can happen to the route while squads are on the field. Factors include: cost, safety, relief efforts, opportunity, need, etc. These will be communicated through the leadership team.
- Adventures uses all funds raised to offset the costs associated with your trip. Due to IRS regulations and ECFA guidelines, Adventures must, and does, exercise control and discretion of all uses of donated funds. As a participant, you do not have a say in how funds raised get used. For a full explanation of the policies and principles which govern Adventures’ use of donated funds you can access the following link. http://adventures.org/policies/policies.pdf
- Budgeted Team Money – each team has a Treasurer who manages your team budget. This budget is designed for the team to live communally, buying and preparing meals and other essentials together. Your team’s budget will not be sufficient if you try to divide it up and live as individuals.
- Spending Money – Different Racers have different needs or desires. Some racers spend up to $200personal money/month. Others spend less than $50.
- We ask that you remember that many of the places you’ll be in are in the 3rd world. Be sensitive to spending personal money in ways, or amounts, that might be off-putting to the people you’re ministering to.
- Storytelling is a ministry expectation of you as a world racer. Our goal is that you blog once a week. We want you to live a good story and tell a good story.
- This is an excellent way to keep partners informed about your journey and to share the incredible things that God is doing around the world.
- ALWAYS have a conversation with your host about what is appropriate in telling stories about their ministry. Ask for specific do’s and don’ts (can you use names, take photos, show faces, tell people’s personal stories, etc.) Please reference the Dignity Guidelines that we have given to you as you post blogs and on other forms of social media.
- Every racer is covered by insurance through a carrier associated with Adventures. This is what you use to cover medical costs above your deductible. Every racer should have the funds necessary to cover basic medical expenses. Typically, hospitals overseas will not accept insurance as a form of payment, but will require you to use personal funds. You will get reimbursed after you file a claim with your insurance. You need to have funds easily accessible (i.e. a credit card).
- Adventures is not your deductible. We will not cover hospital expenses except in the case of an emergency. Our default posture, with respect for medical expenses, is that we expect the racer to provide the adequate funds. If a situation arises where a racer is unable to provide the funds necessary to maintain health, we will allow Adventures funds to be spent as to not deny a racer medical attention.
- In the event you need medical care, you must contact your insurance carrier to let them know you need and are receiving care. This notification is important because it creates a claim which will then expedite the payment of benefits. Sometimes, failure to notify the insurance company results in a reduction of the benefit available. After you’ve done that, contact your Squad Mentor immediately.
- Insurance must be notified whenever someone checks into a hospital.
- Insurance provides care for 12 months after an illness. So, if a sickness has the potential to escalate, even if you aren’t checked in to a hospital, notify insurance. The number is on your insurance card.
Packages & Medication:
- We do not bring packages from home out to the field at debriefs. The only thing your squad mentor will bring you is a replacement ATM/Debit card if yours is lost or stolen. If needed, have that sent to Adventures to the attention of your Squad Mentor. 6000 Wellspring Trail, Gainesville, GA 30506. Let your Squad Mentor know if you’re having a debit/credit card sent to the office so they can look for it.
- World Race staff and coaches will not bring prescription medication to the field. We do this to ensure that we are remaining within the laws of the countries we enter. If you need a prescription medication, either get a year supply before leaving or use the Expatriate Prescription Service (EPS) which you have learned about in the mobilization process. This is a link that will direct you to the EPS program (located in the resources section): http://aim.missionsafe.com.
- We ask that you don’t have people send you packages on the field. Oftentimes it’s difficult to receive packages overseas due to: your continued movement, delays at customs, or poor delivery systems in the country.
- Bring colored copies of passport and have 11 blank pages in passport
- Alternate form of ID
- 6 passport photos for visas
- Power of attorney and living will (recommended)
- The World Race is an opportunity for you to press into and experience what God has for you during your 11 months. Our expectation is that you will not have romantic relationships with your teammates, your squadmates, or with people you meet while on the World Race (ex: hosts, locals, missionaries, etc…)
- In the event that you get married between applying and launching on the field, you will forfeit your attendance on this trip
- Married couples—We love and celebrate you! We are interested in holding space and creating room for you and your marriage. Please coordinate with your leadership team for details and specifics.
- In the event you become attracted to someone we have two expectations. First, we expect that you inform your Squad Leader and Squad Mentor. Second, we expect that you lay that relationship, and the pursuit of that relationship, down during your time on the World Race. We believe that God has called you to the World Race for the purpose of accomplishing something in you. More often than not, dating relationships get in the way of that process.
- Additionally, dating relationships between people on teams/squads are often awkward and cumbersome for the rest of your team/squad. So we’ll hold you accountable for behavior and accountable for perceived behavior of you and your teammates.
- We ask that you refrain from pursuing or giving the appearance of a romantic relationship with other Racers, ministry contacts, or locals while on the World Race.
- This includes no cuddling, lying on each other, holding hands, long hugs, sharing hammocks/sleeping bags/beds and other actions of similar nature. This is to create an atmosphere of focus
- Consequently our expectation is that you’ll not enter into those types of relationships while you’re on the World Race with either squad mates, people you meet on the World Race, or those at home. We understand that you may become attracted to someone during your time on the World Race.
- Cultural implications—men and women behave differently overseas, please always ask your ministry partner what the cultural norms for men and women are and adjust your behavior accordingly.
Alcohol and Smoking:
- The World Race is not against alcohol or tobacco. We believe in moderation and cultural context. Do not get drunk.
- In all things, including using tobacco and the consumption of alcohol, we want to honor God and our relationships with our ministry partners. We require all participants to abide by the standard of Christians in each country and/or their ministry partner regarding alcohol and tobacco consumption. .
- Furthermore, the illicit use of any drugs on the Race i.e. marijuana or any variations of Cannabis, THC, edibles, acid, or any other narcotic that is not prescribed to you is prohibited at all times regardless of legality in a specific country.
- We will choose to limit our freedom and act responsibly for the sake of the gospel and for our brothers and sisters in Christ (1 Corinthians 9:19-23).
Appropriate Dress:
Dress and appearance carry a lot of weight around the world. When you minister in another country, you represent Christ, your local ministry host, and Adventures in Missions. Ministry is so much more than our preferences, so understand that your clothing choices this year may require sacrifice. The following dress guidelines have been created as a baseline expectation for your year. Within some countries, your ministry host may provide additional guidelines based on cultural norms. Racers are expected to honor these at all times, as we never want our dress or appearance to negatively affect ministry. As a guiding principle, ask yourself how far you can go to honor culture rather than how much you can get away with.
- You are expected to maintain personal hygiene.
MEN(Fall 2023):
- Bring at least one pair of nice khakis, dress pants or slacks and a collared shirt.
- Regular swim trunks
- You should wear a shirt at all times unless sleeping or at the beach. (Even when doing manual labor.)
- Shorts should only be worn when deemed appropriate by your ministry partner. In these instances shorts must end no more than 5″ above the top of your kneecap (about a palm’s width.)
- Tank tops should be full coverage (no huge arm holes)
- No see-through clothing
WOMEN(Fall 2023):
- Stomach must be covered
- Shorts should only be worn when deemed appropriate by your ministry host
- Shorts must be as long as fingertips
- Shirts cannot cover shorts (“lampshading”)
- No bra straps can be shown
- No spaghetti straps, strapless tops, or low hanging tank tops (on the front or side of your body)
- Skirts and dresses must hit the top of your knee
- Leggings and biker shorts are allowed but booty must be fully covered with a top with raising both arms above head
- Top can’t be skintight
- No jeans with excessive holes
- Full coverage one-piece swimsuit or tankini for women
- No see-through clothing
Tattoos and Piercings:
- In many countries it is not culturally appropriate to have tattoos and/or piercings. We will always default to the request of the ministry partner when it comes to removing piercings or covering tattoos. This is to honor culture and the countries that we are living in.
Visitors/Visits Home:
- By signing up to do the World Race, you are choosing to leave behind family and friends to travel to other countries for 11 months. We understand that this is difficult, but it is also part of the commitment you make by going. However, we also understand that there are circumstances in which someone you know may be in the same country or city where you are on your race. If you would like to see them, you may submit a request for approval at least one week in advance to your squad leaders/squad mentor. Our priorities are your safety and honoring our ministry commitments, and as such, each request will be reviewed case-by-case to determine if a visit/visitor will be approved.
- Guests may not stay overnight at your ministry housing and they will need permission to participate in ministry with you as we require background checks for all participants.
- World Racers are allowed to leave the field for immediate family members’ weddings or funerals, any other opportunities may be considered but must be approved by SQM and WR Leadership. Participants may be gone up to one week, from the time they leave the field until the day they return. They must personally cover all associated costs.
Travel on the Field:
- World Racers will need to receive permission before traveling over an international border, booking a flight on their own (cannot be a blacklisted flight), or leaving their ministry site for an overnight trip.
- World Racers must first receive permission from the Squad Mentor and leadership team. This will require presenting their plan to their Squad Mentor.
- Once the Squad Mentor and leadership team approve of a plan, the World Racers must then gain approval from the Ministry Host. Off-day travel should not interfere with ministry or burden a ministry host.
- Renting any vehicle on the field (car, moto, etc.) is not recommended and can only take place when using personal money, the responsibility is solely on the participant. You will need to research insurance guidelines. We advise against riding motorcycles.
Physical Fitness:
- The World Race is physically demanding and we expect racers to maintain a healthy level of fitness.
- Racers should be able to walk a few miles with their pack and all of their belongings
- Some ministry placements will require both manual labor and physically difficult hikes and walks to reach locations for ministry
- Squad leaders always need to be able to get in touch with you, the Team Leaders must always have team phones on and charged
- Emergency Number: +1-877-356-9266. This number is answered 24 hours a day and is for EMERGENCIES only. If your family needs to contact Adventures for something other than an emergency our general number is either: 800-881-2461 or 770-983-1060. Parents can also contact Betty Means with Parent Ministry at 770-744-4542.
- Health/Wellness on the field—If you become ill, notify your leaders and/or your Squad Mentor. Your leaders will normally notify the office for you. Go to the clinic if you’re not getting better within 2 days.
- We recommend taking malaria medication when advised by hosts or when in an area with known cases.
- Passports – If passports are stolen, lost, or in bad condition, go to the nearest US Embassy to obtain a new one.
Alone Time:
- World Racers should always connect with their ministry partner and/or gather cultural context about the safety of their housing and ministry locations. If deemed safe, a racer is able to go places nearby alone, such as for a run or to a coffee shop.
- They must inform someone on their team where they are going and how long they will be gone.
- They can never be alone after dark.
- No overnight trips alone.
- They can never go and be alone with a non-World Racer of the opposite sex.
- They cannot leave the city they are located in alone.
- If a racer violates this policy, they may lose the privilege to go anywhere alone.
We are a culture that:
- Extends grace, gives feedback, encourages and exhorts, and listens for God’s voice and responds in obedience.
World Race Leadership Structure:
- Seth Barnes, Executive Director and Founder
- Stephanie Jansen, World Race Director
- Squad Mentors & Coaches
- Alumni Leaders
Communication Expectations:
- Appropriate Appeal Process: We want to make sure that you are heard and valued, therefore, we welcome your questions and feedback, but ask that you take the time to communicate with those closest to the situation before involving additional parties.
Race Structure:
- Team Changes – teams may change while on the Race. This gives Racers the ability to serve with different people from the squad while giving new opportunities for growth and challenge.
- Role Changes – there are many opportunities to serve the squad by holding different roles, these roles are given to racers by the leadership team and usually change throughout the year
- Race Routes – changes can happen to the route while squads are on the field. Factors include: cost, safety, relief efforts, opportunity, need, etc. These will be communicated through the leadership team.
- Adventures uses all funds raised to offset the costs associated with your trip. Due to IRS regulations and ECFA guidelines, Adventures must, and does, exercise control and discretion of all uses of donated funds. As a participant, you do not have a say in how funds raised get used. For a full explanation of the policies and principles which govern Adventures’ use of donated funds you can access the following link. http://adventures.org/policies/policies.pdf
- Budgeted Team Money – each team has a Treasurer who manages your team budget. This budget is designed for the team to live communally, buying and preparing meals and other essentials together. Your team’s budget will not be sufficient if you try to distribute it up and live as individuals.
- Spending Money – Different Racers have different needs or desires. Some racers spend up to $200 personal money/month. Others spend less than $50.
- We ask that you remember that many of the places you’ll be in are in the 3rd world and be sensitive to spending personal money in ways, or amounts, that might be off-putting to the people you’re ministering to.
- Storytelling is a ministry expectation of you as a world racer. Our goal is that you blog once a week. We want you to live a good story and tell a good story.
- This is an excellent way to keep partners informed about your journey and to share the incredible things that God is doing around the world.
- ALWAYS have a conversation with your host about what is appropriate in telling stories about their ministry. Ask for specific do’s and don’ts (can you use names, take photos, show faces, tell people’s personal stories, etc.) Please reference the Dignity Guidelines that we have given to you as you post blogs and on other forms of social media.
- Every racer is covered by insurance through a carrier associated with Adventures. This is what you use to cover medical costs above your deductible. Every racer should have the funds necessary to cover basic medical expenses. Typically, hospitals overseas will not accept insurance as a form of payment, but will require you to use personal funds. You will get reimbursed after you file a claim with your insurance. You need to have funds easily accessible (i.e. a credit card).
- Adventures is not your deductible. We will not cover hospital expenses except in the case of an emergency. Our default posture, with respect for medical expenses, is that we expect the racer to provide the adequate funds. If a situation arises where a racer is unable to provide the funds necessary to maintain health, we will allow Adventures funds to be spent as to not deny a racer medical attention.
- In the event you need medical care, you must contact your insurance carrier to let them know you need and are receiving care. This notification is important because it creates a claim which will then expedite the payment of benefits. Sometimes, failure to notify the insurance company results in a reduction of the benefit available. After you’ve done that, contact your Squad Mentor immediately.
- Insurance must be notified whenever someone checks into a hospital.
- Insurance provides care for 12 months after an illness. So, if a sickness has the potential to escalate, even if you aren’t checked in to a hospital, notify the insurance. The number is on your insurance card.
Packages & Medication:
- We do not bring packages from home out to the field at debriefs. The only thing your squad mentor will bring you is a replacement ATM/Debit card if yours is lost or stolen. If needed, have that sent to Adventures to the attention of your Squad Mentor. 6000 Wellspring Trail, Gainesville, GA 30506. Let your Squad Mentor know if you’re having a debit/credit card sent to the office so they can look for it.
- World Race staff and coaches will not bring prescription medication to the field. We do this to ensure that we are remaining within the laws of the countries we enter. If you need a prescription medication, either get a year supply before leaving or use the Expatriate Prescription Service (EPS) which you have learned about in the mobilization process. This is a link that will direct you to the EPS program (located in the resources section): http://aim.missionsafe.com.
- We ask that you don’t have people send you packages on the field. Oftentimes it’s difficult to receive packages overseas due to: your continued movement, delays at customs, or poor delivery systems in the country.
- Bring colored copies of passport and have 11 blank pages in passport
- Alternate form of ID
- 6 passport photos for visas
- Power of attorney and living will (recommended)
- The World Race is an opportunity for you to press into and experience what God has for you during your time on the field. Our expectation is that you will not have romantic relationships with your teammates, your squadmates, or with people you meet while on the World Race (ex: hosts, locals, ministry contacts, etc…)
- In the event you become attracted to someone we have two expectations. First, we expect that you inform your Squad Leader and Squad Mentor. Second, we expect that you lay that relationship, and the pursuit of that relationship, down during your time on the World Race. We believe that God has called you to the World Race for the purpose of accomplishing something in you. More often than not, dating relationships get in the way of that process.
- Additionally, dating relationships between people on teams/squads are often awkward and cumbersome for the rest of your team/squad. So we’ll hold you accountable for behavior and accountable for perceived behavior of you and your teammates.
- We ask that you refrain from pursuing or giving the appearance of a romantic relationship with other Racers, ministry contacts, or locals while on the World Race.
- This includes no cuddling, lying on each other, holding hands, long hugs, sharing hammocks/sleeping bags/beds and other actions of similar nature. This is to create an atmosphere of focus
- Consequently our expectation is that you’ll not enter into those types of relationships while you’re on the World Race with either squad mates, people you meet on the World Race, or those at home. We understand that you may become attracted to someone during your time on the World Race.
- Cultural implications—men and women behave differently overseas, please always ask your ministry partner what the cultural norms for men and women are and adjust your behavior accordingly.
Alcohol and Smoking:
- For Gap Year and Semesters trips, we ask that participants do not consume alcohol regardless of their age.
- Furthermore, the illicit use of any drugs on the Race i.e. marijuana or any variations of Cannabis, THC, edibles, acid, or any other narcotic that is not prescribed to you is prohibited at all times regardless of legality in a specific country.
- We will choose to limit our freedom and act responsibly for the sake of the gospel and for our brothers and sisters in Christ (1 Corinthians 9:19-23).
Appropriate Dress:
Dress and appearance carry a lot of weight around the world. When you minister in another country, you represent Christ, your local ministry host, and Adventures in Missions. Ministry is so much more than our preferences, so understand that your clothing choices this year may require sacrifice. The following dress guidelines have been created as a baseline expectation for your year. Within some countries, your ministry host may provide additional guidelines based on cultural norms. Racers are expected to honor these at all times, as we never want our dress or appearance to negatively affect ministry. As a guiding principle, ask yourself how far you can go to honor culture rather than how much you can get away with.
- You are expected to maintain personal hygiene.
- Bring at least one pair of nice khakis, dress pants or slacks and a collared shirt.
- Regular swim trunks
- You should wear a shirt at all times unless sleeping or at the beach. (Even when doing manual labor.)
- Shorts should only be worn when deemed appropriate by your ministry partner. In these instances shorts must end no more than 5″ above the top of your kneecap (about a palm’s width.)
- Tank tops should be full coverage (no huge arm holes)
- No see-through clothing
- Stomach must be covered
- Shorts should only be worn when deemed appropriate by your ministry host
- Shorts must be as long as fingertips
- Shirts cannot cover shorts (“lampshading”)
- No bra straps can be shown
- No spaghetti straps, strapless tops, or low hanging tank tops (on the front or side of your body)
- Skirts and dresses must hit the top of your knee
- Leggings and biker shorts are allowed but booty must be fully covered with a top while raising both arms above head
- Top can’t be skintight
- No jeans with excessive holes
- Full coverage one-piece swimsuit or tankini for women
- No see-through clothing
Tattoos and Piercings:
- In many countries it is not culturally appropriate to have tattoos and/or piercings. We will always default to the request of the ministry partner when it comes to removing piercings or covering tattoos. This is to honor culture and the countries that we are living in.
Visitors/Visits Home:
- By signing up to do the World Race, you are choosing to leave behind family and friends to travel to other countries for the entirety of your trip. We understand that this is difficult, but it is also part of the commitment you make by going. However, we also understand that there are circumstances in which someone you know may be in the same country or city where you are on your race. If you would like to see them, you may submit a request for approval at least one week in advance to your squad leaders/squad mentor. Our priorities are your safety and honoring our ministry commitments, and as such, each request will be reviewed case-by-case to determine if a visit/visitor will be approved.
- Guests may not stay overnight at your ministry housing and they will need permission to participate in ministry with you as we require background checks for all participants.
- World Racers are allowed to leave the field for immediate family members’ weddings or funerals, any other opportunities may be considered but must be approved by SQM and WR Leadership. Participants may be gone up to one week, from the time they leave the field until the day they return. They must personally cover all associated costs.
Travel on the Field:
- Off day travel plans that are 3+ hours away must be approved by your leadership team. Once the Squad Mentor and leadership team approve of a plan, the World Racers must then gain approval from the Ministry Host. Off-day travel should not interfere with ministry or burden a ministry host.
- Racers may not rent any cars, motorcycles or mopeds on the field.
Physical Fitness:
- The World Race is physically demanding and we expect racers to maintain a healthy level of fitness.
- Racers should be able to walk a few miles with their pack and all of their belongings
- Some ministry placements will require both manual labor and physically difficult hikes and walks to reach locations for ministry
- Squad leaders always need to be able to get in touch with you, the Team Leaders must always have team phones on and charged
- Emergency Number: +1-877-356-9266. This number is answered 24 hours a day and is for EMERGENCIES only. If your family needs to contact Adventures for something other than an emergency our general number is either: 800-881-2461 or 770-983-1060. Parents can also contact Betty Means with Parent Ministry at 770-744-4542.
- Health/Wellness on the field—If you become ill, notify your leaders and/or your Squad Mentor. Your leaders will normally notify the office for you. Go to the clinic if you’re not getting better within 2 days.
- We recommend taking malaria medication when advised by hosts or when in an area with known cases.
- Passports – If passports are stolen, lost, or in bad condition, go to the nearest US Embassy to obtain a new one.
Alone Time:
- Participants are not permitted to go anywhere alone. You must always have a buddy and must ensure that others know where you are going and how long you intend to be gone. Ministry partners will help determine in each location how many people must be together in order to leave your housing and ministry sites.
Go deeper with God than you ever imagined possible.
Start your journey. Apply now for the World Race.
Copyright ©2023 World Race - All rights reserved.