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We’re Alone Together

Introducing this month’s blog series: Created for Community. Even though we are all isolated in our homes right now, we are still #alonetogether. It might take some creativity, but coming together as a body of Christ is more important than ever.

In today’s blog, Racer Rashad Cohen shares a quick video message about slowing down and loving the people in front of you. He says that sharing the love of God is more important than our personal daily routine. In this time of quarantine, we have all found our routines altered, shifted, and interrupted. You might be completely alone or you might be in a crowded home, unable to get some much needed alone time. Wherever you are, we challenge you to look around at the community around you and ask God how you can love them today.

Want to get connected and inspired? Subscribe to our new blog Hope Rising and join the associated Facebook group